En terapeutisk og stimulerende dyne
Afslappende funktion
Sandet i dynen tynger betryggende; det former og tilpasser sig individuelt efter den sovende persons position.
Polstringen med polyestervat afbøder den hårde direkte påvirkning af sandet, hvilket under søvnen resulterer i en
højere komfort og bedre afslapning.
Ønsker du mere information om Sanddynen, kontakt os her.
Quiltet i bølger med kamre på 10 x 15 cm. Våret er polstret med isolerende polyestervat på hver side
af de indre kamre, som er fyldt med sand.
Dynen kan enten aftørres med en fugtig klud,
eller den kan håndvaskes og tørres liggende.

BioZinc is a filling that consists of zincoxide-enriched lyocellfibers. Zinc is a natural mineral that prevents bacterial growth, and lyocell is a natural fiber made from wood. The function has been tested and certified by german, japanese and taiwanese institutes.

Cell Solution Clima fibers are made from wood-based lyocell fibers that are enriched with a PCM material made from vegetable oil. The fantastic temperature regulating function is certified and tested by german institutes.

The fabrics of pillows are certified mite-proof. The weaving is so tight that it does not allow the passage of dustmites. This is certified by Hohenstein Institute in Germany.

All our products are certified according to Oeko-tex standard 100. No harmfull substances are used in any of the components. We have Class I and II certification, and can document the same from all our suppliers of materials.