Pure Nordic Comfort
Kvalitets dyner, Rullemadrasser og hovedpuder
Produkterne er fremstillet med fyld af højkvalitets- og luftige fibre. Den unikke 3D-konstruktion af fibrene sikrer en høj grad af isolering, et godt volumen og en høj komfort når du sover.
Puderne kan varieres i mængden af fyld for at imødekomme individuelle behov – fra ultra blød til fast og støttende.
Dyner og topmadrasser kan variere i bredde og længde, efter hvad jeres behov er. Kontakt os for specielle mål.
Stof: 100% bomuld
Fyld: 100% polyester fibre
Vaskes ved 60 grader

BioZinc is a filling that consists of zincoxide-enriched lyocellfibers. Zinc is a natural mineral that prevents bacterial growth, and lyocell is a natural fiber made from wood. The function has been tested and certified by german, japanese and taiwanese institutes.

Cell Solution Clima fibers are made from wood-based lyocell fibers that are enriched with a PCM material made from vegetable oil. The fantastic temperature regulating function is certified and tested by german institutes.

The fabrics of pillows are certified mite-proof. The weaving is so tight that it does not allow the passage of dustmites. This is certified by Hohenstein Institute in Germany.

All our products are certified according to Oeko-tex standard 100. No harmfull substances are used in any of the components. We have Class I and II certification, and can document the same from all our suppliers of materials.